Coming Soon...


Starcraft Ghost - NovaThe very first sign of Old Fart Gaming happened back in mid-1996 during my uni days, when my older brother and I were playing Duke Nukem 3D Deathmatch via the multiplayer function in the game, using coaxial network cables! That was lots of fun back then!

However, we later refined our multiplaying when we were introduced to Starcraft in 1998. Hundreds of dollars were spent on slowly upgrading our PCs and network cables (still using coaxial cables though). Friends soon joined us in countless sleepless nights, clicking and building away armies to fight one another in Starcraft, and later on in Diablo II. We were all active gamers back then.

Then we all started working full-time, and we were not playing that often any more. At one point, I actually stated I will totally retire from gaming.  But the gaming blood in me got the better of me.

And with today's Internet gaming function, we can play whenever, whatever and wherever we are on Earth, even with one hand on the mouse, the other feeding the babies...

Thus, Old Fart Gamers were born...

Old Fart Gaming Style

Hellgate London - TemplarOld Fart Gaming Style (OFGS) is a term we use when us Old Farts get together to game on!

So take a look below at the games that had provided us Old Farts Gamers with lots and lots of fun during our golden gaming days and beyond! And see how far we have come in PC gaming...

Old Fart Gaming Style in 2010 and beyond:

Old Fart Gaming Style 2000-2009:

Old Fart Gaming Style 1996-1999:

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