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Friday, April 29, 2022

Ultima VII: A 30th Anniversary Journey Back to Britannia #UltimaVII #SerpentIsle #Exult

So how do you celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of your favourite PC game? By playing it again of course!  And for this special occasion, I have once again travelled back to Britannia to visit my old friends Dupre, Shamino, Iolo and Lord British. I am of course referring to Ultima VII and its sequel The Serpent Isle.  Welcome back Avatar!

I went back to read my previous post and realised that I coincidentally set a milestone for playing Ultima VII. So back in April 1992, I played Ultima VII for the very first time.

I returned to Ultima VII a few times after my first play. And for its 15th anniversary release, I returned to Ultima again and this time documented it in this post on 13 March 2007.

Then another 15 years later from 21 April 2022 to 29 April 2022, because the great people over at Exult ( posted on their facebook to announce that they had released Exult 1.8 on 16 April 2022 (exactly 30 years after Ultima VII was released!), I once again walked through the Red Moongate and experience Britannia in all its original and yet enhanced glory in Ultima VII!

I will start Serpent Isle soon after writing this blog post.

I don't think I will ever get tired of Ultima VII and The Serpent Isle. So I could very well write another post about playing Ultima VII 15 years later...

"Thou hast not age, Avatar!"

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